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We Buy Junk Cars of All Makes and Models in Ohio

If you're in search of someone to buy your junk car in Ohio, LKQ Pick Your Part can help you out. From our locations in Dayton and Cincinnati, there's a Pick Your Part location nearby. Once you have your original, notarized Ohio state vehicle title, select the Ohio location nearest you and get a free no obligation online quote. Once you've accepted your quote, we'll contact you and arrange to pick up your vehicle. Pick Your Part in Ohio is the quickest easiest way to sell your junk car.

Choose the Location Nearest You in Ohio and Get Your Instant Quote Now!

LKQ Pick Your Part - Cincinnati
2040 E Kemper Rd
Cincinnati Ohio 45241
LKQ Pick Your Part - Dayton
4283 N. James H McGee Blvd.
Dayton Ohio 45417